Adolf Billmann - English


Adolf Billmann, an unmarried merchant, was born in 1879 in Karlsruhe and lived at Krügerbrücke 1b in Magdeburg until his arrest. There are only few traces of his biography in the records of concentration camps, where he was imprisoned due to his homosexuality.  


On April 2, 1937 the 58 year old Adolf Billmann was at Lichtenberg concentration camp. This information is derived from the camp’s money book. On September 16, 1937 he was transported to Buchenwald concentration camp as a „preventive detainee“. There he was assigned with the number 2362. On October 17, 1938 he was transferred to concentration camp Mauthausen, where he arrived one day later and was assigned with the number 215 VB.  


On May 8, 1939 Adolf Billmann was transferred to Dachau concentration camp, where he was assigned with number 33.236 as a homosexual. From there, on September 27, 1939, he was once again returned to the Mauthausen concentration camp. He died there on January 28, 1940 at 8:00 pm at the age of 60, supposedly due to arteriosclerosis and stroke. However, his death is likely attributable to the hardships of years of imprisonment and forced labor, as well as the inadequate conditions in the concentration camp.